Yes, This blog is dedicated to all Legal immigrants who have made USA what it is today and to all the Americans who have accepted these great people with open arms. This blog is also dedicated to the spirit of Real America. An America that engages, helps and promotes globalization, peace, freedom and commerce across the planet and is not fearful of sacrifices if need be.
A thought crosses my mind. What is so unique about America? Its the ability to choose! To be free! To be tolerant! To be resolute! To be human!
This planet earth is my home, your home and the home of 7 billion others. A home to an intelligent species that comprehends the meaning of the word "choice" and ability to act on that "choice".
Whatever happens next, is a result of that choice ... and that becomes the history of mankind: from wheel to steam engine, from assembly lines to ration lines, from freedom struggles to standing against oppression. It all been the result of a choice.
.. and the first choice started on the day my mother showed me two toys and I grabbed one. I made the choice ... or did I?
Choice, a simple yet very powerful word has and will always decide our destiny:
- Choice of doing the right thing, or the wrong.
- Choice of being myopic or panoramic.
- Choice of accepting and engaging, or isolating and exploiting.
- Choice of freedom or bondage.
- Choice of governing or dictating.
The choice of free will!
... and the game begins. A game between "The Choice target" and the "The Choice regulator". A game that has consequences for not only those who participate in this game but also for those who surround these players.
The regulator defines the choice, tables it to the target, Target unknowingly accepts one of the choices from a set of regulated choices. These choice regulators are all around you: The State, A Nation, The Religion, A Race, A Culture, Your Family ... And you, my friend is the choice target.
Agreed, to some extent, choice regulators are required. They help you (the choice target) define choices, then your regulated free will supposedly kicks off. You make a choice out of the options tabled in front of you. Remember your dad asking you if you wanted to become a doctor, pilot or a firefighter? and you stated that you wanted to be a pilot because you loved airplanes. I am sure your father would never ask you to become a terrorist or kill people. In this case a choice regulator (who wants your good) was steering you towards the right choice.
In 1776, United States freed itself from Great Britain and the gates were opened to people with free will. A government was formed: For the people, of the people and by the people. This means you are the choice maker and you are the choice regulator as well. The notion of a democracy. We vote to select choice regulators and create a state that is supposed to define choices for the well being its people and to a large extent it does. If not for these temp (4 years) choice regulators, it would be anarchy.
For ages United States has been the "go to" place for go getters, people with free will and this free will has created the most powerful nation of the modern world. The English, Spaniards, French, Germans, Indians, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans ... all have come to this country as Immigrants. The people who were put down by choice regulators in their own native lands fought against odds to reach the land of the free will. A land of freedom. Each one of these cultures have carved their own little space in this land of freedom and as a collective whole are called as United States of America. They belong here and this is their land but these peoples are also bound by another set of choice regulators: The religion and their native culture. Sometimes these choice regulators overlap creating a potentially explosive script. More often than not the free will (free will of an individual is instinctively geared towards survival and well being) wins but then sometimes it creates potentially damning individuals who will go out of their way to disrupt the free will and use Religion, Culture, Nation, State, Color, Race as a method to disrupt free will and free world.
Choice regulators can also be of two types:
Selfless Choice regulators
Choice regulators with vested interests
At times it gets really difficult to distinguish one from another but we will attempt to do this right here on this blog.
United States is a country of the immigrants - Not the immigrants who came first. Some children of these immigrants (of course because they want the whole cake for themselves) are laying claim to this land of immigrants for all the wrong reasons. If someone loses a job, he blames it on an immigrant, if someone is unable to excel in studies, blames it on an immigrant and if there is a theft, blames it on an immigrant.
What a way to retain "The American Dream"! Block anyone who wants to participate in it, keep it for ourselves. Promote mediocracy rather than a global meritocracy. This is the agenda of the "Nay sayers".
Over next few days we will try to define all categories of nay sayers who are trying to smudge the reputation of this great beacon of hope called America. We will delve into the the rationale of their logic and also look at their arguments.
Lets make United States a leader of the free world by engaging other nations and cultures (by the way which most Americans are already doing). We are their lighthouse. If we start to favor protectionism rather than reaching out to other nations, in particular, the other democracies of the world, we will soon lose our place as the "Land of Freedom".
One of my Asian friends once said: Thank god for giving us America, imagine the world order under Hitler.
So all you nay sayers, here is some food for thought:
- Albert Einstein (Greatest Physicist of 20th centruary, Born in Germany)
- Leo Ming Pei (Architect, Born in China)
- Vinod Dham (Pentium Chip, Cofounder SUN Microsystems, Born in India)
- Madeleine Albright (Formar Secretary of State, Born in Czechoslovakia)
- Martina Navratrilova (Tennis legend, Born in Czechoslovakia)
- Hargobind Khurana (Discovery of Gene, Born in India)
- Alexander Grahm Bell (Bell labs, Born in Scotland)
- Enrico Fermi (Scientist, Born in Italy)
- Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize Economics, Born in India)
- Sergie Brin (Cofounder Google, Born in Russia)
- YOUR GREAT GRAND PA (I guess he was also an immigrant)
The list is so long that it will take ages to compile and trust me it will include the roots of your very mortal existence in this great country.
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